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Hurry Up! Register our FREE Job Training on the 21st of Feb 2025, if you wish to get a professional job in Australia!

what will cover?


Are you sick and tired of working in odd jobs? (are you working as waiter/waitress, Uber driver, cleaner, 7Eleven staff, BP staff, jobs are not in your field,...and want to find professional jobs, job in your field instead?) 

Then, I’d like to invite you to join me on my FREE Job Training where I will share with you the exact strategies of finding professional jobs that over 300 international students of mine have adopted and transformed their careers from Uber Driver, Cleaner, Waiter, Convenience store, Coles and Woolworths workers to now working in their dream professional jobs like Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineers, Biotechnologist, Accountant, ICT Business Analyst, IT Support, etc. making anywhere between $60,000 all the way to $90,000 per annum. 

Our goal is in the next 2 years, we will bring that number to 1,000 people. 

If you still have not landed your DREAM JOB, it’s because YOU MISS OUT 3 THINGS:

  • Strategies

  • Correct mindset

  • Support from a mentor.

What’s the worst thing can happen if you join our Job Training?


What’s the best thing can happen if you join our Job Training?


I usually charge people thousands of dollars in our Job Coaching Program. But now, for 1 day only,  I will mentor you for FREE. No strings attached. I just need your open mind, 60 minutes of your time!!!!  I promise you it will change your life forever. 

In this Job Training, you will learn the tools to get your dream professional jobs regardless of your level of experience, your visa conditions or even your lack of Australia degrees. 

All you have to do is hit the link below, put in your name, your phone number, your email address and I am gonna hook you up for FREE for the Job Training.




Take on the Job Training.

Seats are limited. REGISTER NOW to SAVE YOUR SLOT!

Be great,

Leo Le


Fill your information below and DON'T FORGET to click "SUBMIT" to secure your slot!

Thank you for submitting and Welcome to our Job Training!We will send you Zoom link to your email.

Register to join the live training
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